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About Us


Team2earn is a news and e-sports, tech news company started by 2 persons. we don’t have so much of Experience but we are capable to make our company stand by side of some biggest companies in India. As we just started this business We don’t Have any Tools, Mentors or manpower, but still we are capable to manage it through ourselves.

As  we already discussed above that we have started an e-commerce company. Hence we have a basic way of earning through our sales profit. In our e-commerce company, we are providing our members to sell something with us as and also earn with us.

We provide our user a chance to start his/her own store on our website and sell his/her product. Instead of this, we are also providing user to buy our affiliate plan pack so that he/she can make some money by referring our products through their social media channels.

By sharing our products user will be awarded 10% of commission despite this, if a user refers a user to be our affiliate then he’ll start his/her 10 levels of referral earning which will give him a lot of money(if he/she follows proper procedure of earning process as discussed below.

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