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Free fire new Event get Spirit Squad bundles

The World Series themed skins have caught a lot of attention from players in recent days, as they are one of the most beautiful and well-crafted skins in the game.

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After days of wondering where the skins will come from, Garena eventually revealed the date of their event on the weekly calendar of some Indian servers , which eventually reassured most of the players waiting for them.

But how will this event work, and when will it get here?

Go to store, in bundle section you will see those bundles.

Good guys, the web event will work as follows:

1. There is a 12 item roulette wheel at the event, and 1 gem for each of the 3 skins, which can be identified by color.

2. The roulette wheel also has a token called Spirit Cube, where a certain amount will also be needed to exchange each skin.

Exchange Price :

• Scarlet Spirit: 3 Red Gems and 2 Spirit Cubes.
• Purple Spirit: 2 Purple Gems and 1 Spirit Cube.
• Indigo Spirit: 2 Blue Gems and 1 Token Spirit Cube.

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