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New Supermarket Web Event In free fire

Hey Survivors, hope you are doing well and welcome here at free fire news website of india. so a new event is going to come soon for that i’m going to inform you here. a new special web event will Come to Provide you some exciting stuffs in free fire which is too much costly in general store of free fire to buy but in this special event will come with several incredible offers for Free Fire players. Although we do not know yet how this web event will really be, since Garena has not given any details so far, we strongly believe in the possibility of it being a new version of the discount Supermarket , due to the items that will be highlighted. We know that many of you are still wondering if he will arrive this month to buy the Elite Pass at a discount.

However, we can at least confirm some of the items in question for you. The skins that will be available are: Dino Jeans , Sports Car – Smooth Run , Backpack – Homicide Bunny , Lucky Boxes – Valentine’s Day. As we reported earlier here , these Valentine’s Day lucky boxes contain the skins of the Cyber ​​Love set . They will not only arrive at the event, but also at the store.

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